FC Health is conveniently located in the heart of Rydalmere and is situated within the iconic FC Social (previously known as Rydalmere Bowling Club). FC Health is easily accessible and is flexible in working around a busy schedule. Although convenience is high on our list, FC Health also prides itself on its reputation to reduce your pain quickly, safely and in the minimum number of visits.
FC Health base their treatments around their motto.
Family – We look after the young and the old, the active and the inactive and implement through our practice, a better way of living for each family member we treat.
Sports – Coming from a background of a wide variety of Sports both Dr. Daniel and Dr. Jack have a wide-based knowledge of many sporting injuries, how to treat them and the quickest way to get you back on the road to recovery.
Spine – Spinal health is the most important health to have and we pride ourselves in providing the best treatment in getting your spine moving to the best of its ability.
The team of professionals at FC Health offer you a wide variety of treatments depending on the specific health needs. Here at FC Health, our aim is to cater to each client's specific needs and wants to ensure maximum results.